Slow Living and Your Femininity
How femininity is closely aligned with slow living.. what does it mean to be feminine, embracing self-care, your vulnerability, giving up perfection, being present and the value of journaling.
How femininity is closely aligned with slow living.. what does it mean to be feminine, embracing self-care, your vulnerability, giving up perfection, being present and the value of journaling.
Dr. Allison Anderson is a board-certified cardiothoracic anesthesiologist and a certified life coach. She’s on a mission to help high-achieving women create relationships as extraordinary as their careers. In the magazine- is a practicing doctor who does relationship coaching for high-achieving women so their relationships are as amazing as their careers.
I talk about how to embrace slow living if in a big city- although every tip is valuable wherever you live . Find Green Space, Practice Mindfulness, reduce your commitments, spend time with people who matter to you and simplify your living spaces.
Moving across the country and leaving behind everything you’ve known for over 20 years is a bold move in mid-life. Jen DeVore Richter and her husband did exactly that when they moved from Florida to Colorado after the kids went off to college. Jen had to start from scratch not only finding a new community and home, but also building a business on her own. In this episode Jen shares lessons learned along the bumpy road and how she found the courage to live her best life as an empty nester.
Slow living is intentional, real and simple living which includes all aspects of our lives. This episode shares lessons I’ve learned about slow living since moving to Paris and includes tips on how to embrace slow living in our homes.
Sharri speaks with Wendy Harrop who is a West Coast wedding planner turned East Coast barn lover living her lifelong New England dream.
French women find joy in little things like a cup of tea, a good magazine, or a conversation with their Uber driver. But, what can we learn from them and apply in our own lives to help us find joy no matter where we live in the world?
It’s very common to be extraordinary and feel overwhelmed at the same time, but you don’t have to mentally and emotionally stay in that place for long!
Efficiency Bitch is more than a catchy title, it’s her way of life. In her book, she shares how the title originated, why she uses it, and the stigma behind it. Melissa wears her “busy” with pride by focusing on 5 key areas: Bank, Inbox, Time, Connection, and Harmony. Her goal is to leave women feeling empowered with the tools to help them live a bold, balanced, and blessed life.
Absolutely! Sharri shares how she got her footing in Paris.