Hi everyone! 

Today we are going to talk about the workplace changes that have occurred after the last few years that are now creating the opportunity for you to have the flexibility to do what you have only up till now, dreamed of doing. 

I’m Sharri Harmel, Chief Creative of the Extraordinary Women Circle and Community, as well as Editor-in-Chief of Extraordinary Women Magazine

I’ve been a coach for over 20 years and my dream is to create an even bigger platform so that all women can envision and then step into THEIR big dreams. 

Our sole focus in the EW Circle and Community is to support woman like you to ignite their dreams! 

And we do that inside the EW Circle, which includes EW Magazine, regular live conversations and workshops that address just what you need to stay on track with all your plans and dreams and the clarity to create the next version of your life. 

Thank you for joining me and let’s get started!!

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Episode 71: The Great Resignation or The Big Quit – What Does It Mean?

Unless you have been holed up in a cabin in the woods with no Wi-Fi, we all are now very familiar with what’s going on in the work world and they are calling it The Great Resignation or The Big Quit. 

Some industries are impacted much more than others but regardless of the industry, women, especially working mothers are overwhelmingly part of great resignation. 

Covid changed us. All of us. We all felt the change, but some of us (and businesses) held onto the idea that we were going to return to a work system that looked not particularly different than the pre-pandemic world of work. 

Now, after two years, we are all coming to the realization that life is not returning to what it looked like before the pandemic and is possibly changed forever. Women, especially mothers of young children, where the hardest hit has, they tried to juggle all the pandemic demands of the home, need for cooking, homeschooling kids, all while remotely working their job and women have overwhelmingly checked out and decided it was all too much. 

All workers today want flexibility and employers have finally started to figure out that this might be a forever change. 

Would the world of work have changed if the pandemic hadn’t happened? Maybe, but it would have happened more gradually. I heard Karen Kimbrough, the chief economist for LinkedIn shares that pre-pandemic, about 1 in 67 jobs on LinkedIn were remote. Now? It is one in seven. So, business figured out how to move jobs to remote, and ladies this is an opportunity for you to decide what you want and how to make changes and organize your life so that you can create the life that you really and truly want. A work life that allows you the flexibility to live how and where you want to live. 

So, within all these changes, there are just as many opportunities. Is it challenging to go out on your own? Absolutely but like so many things, it will get more comfortable and easier the more you practice it. You won’t go to work in the same place every day unless you call your home office your place of work. You won’t get paid by one company but several sources, and you’ll have to manage all that, but with autonomy comes the ultimate of flexibility. 

One of the companies highlighted on a recent 60-minute segment, was a company called worxbee.com, which is owned by a woman way ahead of her time. The company pairs top quality executive assistants with people and companies that want to hire them. A woman who left her corporate job and was paired as an executive assistant to several bosses via Worx bee. Yes, she must balance three bosses, but she said the increased flexibility she has, allows her to pursue heart’s work, which is to teach English at the local college. 

All over, not just in the executive assistant area, women are learning to piece together different contracts doing what they are good at and working from home. When we think of entrepreneurs, so many women say that’s not me but entrepreneurs come in all configurations and industries. 

It might be that you want to start or grow your coaching business, create an online course or even an online shop with your own unique surface designs on various products. Being an entrepreneur can also mean you have a brick-and-mortar shop. On Charles Street in Beacon Hill, here in Boston where I live, has one new independent shop after another, it’s fabulous to see. 

The bottom line is entrepreneurs come in all shapes and configurations. To figure it all out, do your work, know what you are good at, what you love doing and then ask, does it make my heart sing? If we’ve learned anything over the past two years, now is the time to figure this out more than ever, the old question, if not now, when? Is relevant. 

An example from our very own Extraordinary Women Magazine is Amanda Godfrey. She’s a designer who was highlighted in our very first issue. Amanda started as a designer in the fashion world until she moved with her family from London to Geneva, Switzerland for her husband’s job. Amanda then transitioned to interior design and now that her children are grown and she not only creates beautiful homes and spaces, but she is also the Fromental wallpaper company’s Business Developer for France, Switzerland, Belgium, and The Netherlands. 

I recently had a New Year’s drink with Amanda in Paris, and she talked about how much she loves all the variety she has because she interfaces with different people and artisans every single day. You can read more about Amanda when you subscribe to the Extraordinary Women Magazine

Amanda is a perfect example of a woman who has pieced together different jobs to create a career that is far more interesting and has more flexibility to accommodate how Amanda wants to live and work. 

So, what is it that you want to do? How do you want to feel about your work life? What is it that you dream of doing? No more saying someday…. your time is now. 


Thank you for joining me today. If you liked our conversation, please give me a review, and do come back for more! 

There are two ways to be a part of the 3 Weeks to Dream Readiness Workshop

If you are in the Extraordinary Women Community which is our Private FB group AND sign up for the workshop, you’ll receive the links to the three live calls as well as receive the recordings. 

But if you really want to step into your big dreams AND make sure you you have all the support you need to make it a success. Subscribe to EW magazine. This puts you in what we now call the EW Circle. Click HERE to subscribe. 

You’ll then get four issues of EW Magazine…. AND The 3 Weeks to Dream Readiness Workshop. Plus, you’ll receive a beautiful workbook to help support you by giving you the steps laid out that I’ll talk about in the workshop. You’ll then be able to take notes and map out your own process of action steps leading to completing your goals and plans. When you subscribe you also get to submit questions that I’ll address on the live calls. 

Again, go to extraordinarywomenmagazine.com and subscribe and let us know you want to be included in the workshop. 

Now, there is a lot of dream talk, but what makes me and the EW Circle different is I’ve been a coach – a real coach for over 20 years and ALL that experience helps me to create what you want and need. 

The EW magazine, workshop, our conversations, and ultimately the EW Circle is about supporting extraordinary women like you. Women who make things happen by figuring out what it is you want, and using your gifts, talents, and strengths to build what it is you want to create! 

Go to Extraordinary Women Magazine.com and join us by clicking the subscribe button HERE. It’s only $29.99 AND let me know you want to be added to the Dream Readiness Workshop. 

Thank you for your precious time today and given I am now back in Boston; I’ll say See you soon!

And to my friends in Paris, Bonne journée.

TRANSLATE with x English

Arabic Hebrew Polish
Bulgarian Hindi Portuguese
Catalan Hmong Daw Romanian
Chinese Simplified Hungarian Russian
Chinese Traditional Indonesian Slovak
Czech Italian Slovenian
Danish Japanese Spanish
Dutch Klingon Swedish
English Korean Thai
Estonian Latvian Turkish
Finnish Lithuanian Ukrainian
French Malay Urdu
German Maltese Vietnamese
Greek Norwegian Welsh
Haitian Creole Persian  


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