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Live Your Dream

Wishes and Dreams are fun. We think about them often, and even create vision boards filled with images of our wishes and dreams. I’ve been there so I totally understand!

But what happens between the vision board and taking action?

Our internal logic, the lizard brain as I like to call it, is not triggered when we spend time thinking about our wishes and dreams. It assumes we’ll stay up in the clouds, so it smugly lets us have a good time with our photos and quotes.

As I said I’ve been there. Here are a few of my wishes and dreams…

  • I have a great man in my life, who by the way dresses like Cary Grant
  • I’m svelte and wearing beautiful elegant clothes that shine because I’m Ms. Svelte
  • I’m running a million-dollar online business with ease
  • I’m impacting over a million women through my coaching courses
  • I am the matriarch of a perfectly imperfect family, sort of like Diane Lane in Under the Tuscan Sun.
  • I’m the star in my own life!

But because I did nothing to change my mindset and subsequent actions, my logical or lizard brain didn’t believe any of these wishes and dreams would actually happen, so it wasn’t triggered. My lizard brain felt no fear- just lounged on the sofa in my brain. Life just went on just as it had even though I created vision board after vision board.

But what happens when we truly believe our wishes and dreams are possible and start to take action?   

That’s when our super negative lizard brain, who wears this mask of logic, jumps to attention and starts to get busy.

Mine started by telling me lies such as:

  • No man will ever be interested in you- that train has left the station!
  • You deserve to comfort yourself so eat all the candy you crave.
  • You can’t build a business with zero followers- don’t waste your time or money.
  • You have nothing to contribute- it has all been done before.

So, what is it that YOU hear when you try to move forward with your wishes and dreams?

Is it that you’ll fail once again and somehow be publicly shamed?

Is it that you’ll be embarrassed because you talked so much about your dream?

Is it that you’re run out of time? So, you should stop expecting more.

Is it that you aren’t special so downside that dream or wish?

Ladies these are all lies that we tell ourselves over and over.

Why does the lizard brain say these negative statements? Well, the lizard brain is the oldest part of our brains with the sole function to protect us. It made sense in the early days of humans and certainly even today when we face a dangerous situation when flight or fight needs to take over.

But you may wonder why is it triggered when we try to change our lives and step into our wishes and dreams?

Our lizard brain has adapted. Shame, embarrassment and certainly failure are now perceived as threats.

So, when we start to take actions towards our BIG dreams, our lizard brain is activated and gets nervous. 

After coaching hundreds of people with amazing gifts, talents and skills, I learned that mindset is what tripped them up over and over. The bottom line is that it is our mindset that is the key to whether or not we will make our wishes and dreams happen.

So how do we override our lizard brain that just wants to keep us safe, protected and even small?

We have to work to overcome our mindset obstacles.  It’s not a switch we can flip and suddenly every thought we have about ourselves is positive and we effortlessly take the steps to make our wishes and dreams happen. Shifting our mindset takes work, but oh it is such fun work because the result is fabulous!

Here are some of my current mindset beliefs that support my BIG wishes and dreams. 

  • I’ll find love again and I’m now open to possibilities, while enjoying every day as a solo gal.
  • I started my online coaching courses from ground zero and each day my business is growing.
  • I accepted that I need support and accountability in my business, so I hired a great business coaching team that has truly changed how I work. 
  • I eat healthy and exercise to love and positively care for the body I have today.
  • My validations now come from me. I no longer crave the external validations that ruled my life for so long.
  • I truly embrace that I AM the star of my own life!

So, ladies, wouldn’t it be life changing to truly believe you can make your wishes and dreams happen and that you are now taking the steps to get there? 

Well, I invite you to join me in my new course Overcoming Your Mindset Obstacles that starts on October 26. You’ll not only get a new understanding of your own lizard brain but you’ll find ways to shift your mindset so you can move forward on YOUR wishes and dreams.

I created this course after coaching hundreds of people just like you. You too have the talents, gifts and skills to make your wishes and dreams happen but is it your mindset that is keeping you stuck where you are.

Enough. It is time for YOU to overcome any mindset obstacles you have, live your wishes and dreams, and be the star of your own life!

Join me. I’d love to see you on October 26th inside the course!

In the meantime, join my FB group where you’ll meet other women on the same path as you.

As the saying goes, just close your eyes and jump.

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