Welcome everyone! I’m Sharri Harmel, Editor and Chief Creative of the Extraordinary Women Magazine, Community and Podcast.
Our sole focus is to support women like you to make their dreams come true and create a life that matters.
Dreams matter. No matter what our age, lifestyle, past experiences or current situation…our dreams matter. They are part of the essence of who we are and provide the hope for what we could be.
Episode 62: Input overload!!
I’m a collector of ideas by nature. I love learning new things and going down deep into rabbit holes of ideas, people, history, you name it.
My friends all tell me I should be a private investigator.
But there is a downside to this love of learning and information. And that’s Input overload!!
Today’s conversation is about gathering up information but still holding onto you.
Let’s talk about this podcast as an example. Many of you have shared with me that you’d like to start a podcast or a blog …. so hopefully, this is helpful for you.
I started this podcast back in August 2020, so I’m now into my second year of weekly podcasting. Yet, I’m still seeking information on how to do it better.
I’ve joined FB groups that are specifically focused on podcasts, I’ve gone into clubhouse rooms on podcasts, I’ve interviewed and asked questions of anyone who will talk to me about their podcast. I want to know Everything there is to know about podcasts.
How to create content, should I have guests or do a podcast solo. What platforms do people use – is there an easy way to do video and audio. I’ve subscribed to the podcast magazine and purchased podcast courses. I’ve talked with people on the trends in podcasting and whether or not it will be something that continues to grow. You name it, I’m down that rabbit hole of information seeking.
The result? I’m in overwhelm.
Why? Because there isn’t one way to do anything as varied as a podcast, or really anything you put out into the world ladies because whatever your IT is, it must have to have your unique imprint all over it.
You. The fabulously unique you.
But why the journey down the information rabbit hold? I had to ask myself What is it that I’m seeking?? Perfection, which is another word for getting it all exactly right. I want the one perfect platform. The perfect intro or outro. The perfect guest prep format. The perfect way to interview people
Basically, I wanted someone to tell me exactly how to do this …. I wanted someone to save me from having to make a decision on my own, I wanted to avoid failure….
I share this because so many women spin their wheels seeking the “right” answer…. THE way to do something. We try so hard to do things right that we often do nothing.
I was talking about this mindset recently with Lisa Thomas, who by the way, is an incredible energy healer who by can help you to release any energy blocks that are getting in the way of your dreams.
Lisa and I were discussing how this desire to find the right solution, the right way, the right person, is akin to looking for Prince Charming.
Now before you say .… Sharri’s that’s a HUGE stretch …. I want you to think about this….
Is trying to find the perfect way to go forward, or the perfect product to put out there actually sort of like sitting at home hoping to find Prince Charming? In both situations, we are looking for the savior, the perfect fix to whatever it is that we want or the life we imagine having.
Waiting for Prince Charming or continually seeking answers for how best to get a business going are just diversions – diversions from taking action and both are based the belief that there is ONE person or ONE way to achieve what it is you want.
But ladies, as so many of you know, often the prince isn’t all that Charming and nothing and no one should be expected to save us. As we are told every time we get on an airplane- we have to put on our own oxygen masks first.
But back to this search for the right way to do things….
I finally took in all the input I could hold and sat back and realized, I’m doing this my way …. it may not be perfect, but it must have my stamp on it, otherwise what’s the point right?
We always, always have to return to who we are at our core and do what makes sense for you- and that may not make sense to anyone else but you.
I had to have a tough wake up call with myself to remember this….
If we are ALL unique, special and one of a kind, then no one else will have the one perfect answer for you. They have answers and information that can be very helpful, so take from all that information, assimilate it but never hand over the answers to another person.
So, if you’re like me and love to take courses, talk to people, listen into clubhouse and various podcasts – take in all the information but always ask yourself, what works for me?
I finally had to do this, and you may be in exactly the same place, whether you are an artist trying to figure out how to sell your art, a pattern designer who wants to sell your fabulous creations, or you have an idea for a course you want to create. Your business or passion is a reflection of you and your specialness must be visible to others. Don’t be a copy! What is that saying that goes something like, you were born an original so why spend a lifetime trying to be a copy? Amen. Let’s be our original selves.
Just like your Instagram page needs to clearly show the world who you are and what matters to you, so should your business clearly reflect you. The unique, special, and extraordinary you.
Now to do that you have to know who you are – the REAL you …. not the wanna be you. When I started the Extraordinary Women Magazine, I struggled at first with showing the world that I’m no longer young or thin and then I had a few tough conversations with myself and decided who am I fooling and more important, do I even want to pretend to be something that I’m not?? No! I am a woman of a certain age and I’m still working on my relationship with food.
I’m also someone who asks a LOT of questions and I’m super direct. I’m also very kind and caring but my intense desire to learn about people, ideas and how things work makes me rather intense, and for a lot of people, I’m too much, but rather than pull back, silence my questions, and become something I’m not – I want to find my people, my tribe, my community. This is important ladies. Be who you really are and find a group of people who appreciate you, love your good characteristics and kindly council you through the rough patches.
Plus, I think today, people appreciate and even crave realness, honesty, and true authenticity. Be real ladies and love the woman you are today just as much as you love the woman you were.
It takes a load of confidence to show up real at the start, but as I’ve learned, once you pull back the curtains and show up as you are- and know that you are enough just as you are- your dreams start to fall into place.
I leave you today with a fabulous mantra…. written by Simone de Beauvoir- but I’ll say it in English,“I accept the great adventure of being me”.
The Extraordinary Women Magazine Community and this podcast are hopefully tools to help you on your journey to creating a life that matters. None of us are celebrities or even well-known, but your voice matters in this community and because you are listening to this podcast, my guess is that you are also a real and true extraordinary woman. So welcome and I encourage you to join the EW Magazine Community.
When you subscribe to the magazine- you are welcome into our private FB group, you’ll get invitations to our Coffee Chats and Champagne Soirées (depending on your time zone) where we get together online and talk about whatever issues are coming up for our community right now. For instance, we’re gathering on Dec 9th for a chat about how to create holidays that matter….as well as the book Breath. I’m intrigued by this book, and so will you be, so our next Coffee Chat is about a little breathing and a whole lot of discussion around creating a holiday season we love. This is a community lady with a magazine for fun.
Wondering if you’ll fit in with the group? Married or solo, kids grown or still at home. Corporate careers, entrepreneurs, a stay-at-home mother or even retired, you’ll fit right in. We are about appreciating each other, encouraging each other, and inspiring each other to find that secret to your happiness and creating a life that matters.
Go to Extraordinary Women Magazine.com and join us by clicking the subscribe button. It’s a whole lot for $29.99.
Thank you for your precious time and as I say to my friends and neighbors in Paris …. À Bientôt!
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