Welcome to Episode 38, of Be the Real You podcast. I am Sharri Harmel, life and career coach as well as editor of Be the Real Your magazine. 

Today’s episode is going to be a bit of self-promotion. I have gotten SO many questions about my magazine that I decided to tell you more about Be the Real You Magazine. 

This magazine is for women. ALL women and that includes you. 

Some married and some solo. Women with kids grown or little ones still at home. Women with careers in corporate, entrepreneurs, and others who are engaged in projects at home.  Some youngish and some women of a certain age. 

But this magazine is really for women who are Realistas!  Okay, I made up that word, but I love it. I make up words all the time or I pretend I do because I’m using the wrong word. 

But  being a Real-ista is a perfect word in my opinion because it’s all about being the real you. 

Now, you might be wondering who is this Sharri woman, and why did she create a magazine? She’s not Oprah, she’s not Joanna Gaines with her Magnolia Journal. Who is audacious enough to start a magazine? Well, that would be me. 

I created this magazine because I didn’t live as my true and real self for years and years maybe decades. 

I had chased approval and validation since I was 18 years old and morphed myself into whatever I needed to be to try to gain the approval of others. Basically, I was a chameleon. 

You’re maybe wondering what happened at age 18 that I lost my connection with my true self. 

Well, I got pregnant and was forced to relinquish my son to adoption. 

The good news is he was adopted by a loving and wonderful couple, so he had great parents. And Jeremy and I have now had a close relationship for eleven years. It’s as good as it can possibly be. We both say we are lucky and blessed to have and know each other. 

But that experience, all the shame heaped on me by my parents, caused me to want to make up for my mistake by showing them I was worthy of their love. I wanted them to be proud of me. This laid the foundation for me NOT being the real me. 

Can you relate?  Have you gotten caught up in your need for approval and appreciation? 

Are you wondering how to navigate your life as your real and true self? It can be very hard to do that lady. 

I went off to university and studied business, specifically finance. I chose the unorthodox career path of a stockbroker. It still wasn’t enough. Then I fell in love and married a man who was on track to be very successful. My parents were proud of him, but he did not really love me, so I had to try to prove my worth every single day. Yes, the pattern was consistent! I think some of you, right now are nodding your heads.  

I wasn’t the real me and in fact, I didn’t even know who I was other than what everyone around me wanted me to be. 

But, after a LOT of therapy, journaling, reading, and alone time, I said enough. I worked hard to figure out and reconnect with the real and true me.  

So be the Real Your magazine is birthed from my own personal experience. It is all about helping and supporting women like you who are tired of all the fakery and want to show up every day and in every role, they have, as their real and true selves. 

I do not want one you, to go one more day, without YOU being connected to who you truly are- that specialness that is the one and only you! 

So, this is a magazine for Realistas

The magazine has lots of interesting and fun articles in it. 

It is a feel good and yet motivating magazine, especially for a Realista

Now that I’m made up that word, I suppose I had better create a definition.  You get to do that when you make up words!  

A Realista is…

A woman who shows up in this crazy world, as her real and true self ALWAYS! 

She’s a woman who loves who she truly is and no longer wishes to pretend anything!

Doesn’t this sound like you? 

This magazine will be just like your best friend. You’ll enjoy your time together, you’ll feel comfort that you’re not alone in your quest to be the real you, and you’ll get all kinds of ideas of way to support yourself as you throw open the curtains and say, “look out world, here I am!” 

Channel Barbara Streisand in Funny Girl and sing alone with her … “I’m the greatest star!” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4w5y8TLDXMA

Oh my, we’re also adding some things to our second issue that I think you’ll love. we’ve added a recipe, a product I adore, and style tips because every Realista wants to look her best.  

In the first issue, you met Loni Brown. A young mother who is a serial entrepreneur, especially now as she navigates spending time with her young children. 

You also met Amanda Godfrey, a Brit who lives in Paris, and who frankly is a creative goddess. Her design pursuits shifted and changed as her life demanded, something we as women often have to do. 

We’ve got some good reads, books that I think you’ll enjoy and not all are self-help. Some are just fun, which is why we call that section “A Good Read with Tea.” 

A few easy mindset tips are included, because you probably now know that I absolutely believe your mindset is the single most important ingredient to you living a happy life. 

The style section we added in the second issue, which comes out July 1st is written by Sara Griot, who has been in the world of style and fashion her entire career. She’s going to help us all embrace more style as we head out in the world sans masks. If you’re like me, it feels like I’ve forgotten how to dress pretty after a year of yoga pants. 

You’ll also meet Michele LeMaitre, a fellow Francophile, who lives on Nantucket Island. Michele is an artist, and that girl was born making beautiful art. She’ll talk about her newly invented mixed media process and the beautiful series she has created using that process. 

Jessica Meyers also joins us in our second issue. Jessica gave up her PA practice in San Diego and with her firefighter husband and two small kids, moved to a farm! Incredible!! She will share all sorts of super easy tips on how to get your energy back on track. 

Plus … did I mention recipes? Part of learning about myself has been the realization that food is my love language. So, embracing my love of cooking and entertaining, I have added to our second issue, a little seasonal drink recipe with champagne optional!  

Think about your loves … the hobbies and activities that bring you joy and energy. Share them with others- and ladies don’t wait until you’re really good at something. If you enjoy it, just do it. Forget about perfection. That’s the foundation to this magazine – BE You, all of you. 

So, a fun little exercise is to write down everything YOU love doing, everything that gives you energy. These are things that you enjoy doing whether you are alone or with a group of people. And it doesn’t matter whether you are really good at it or mediocre, like me and my cooking … you are energized when you do it. 

For some of you it might be decorating a home, others it might be swimming or cycling. Maybe it’s traveling and seeing different cultures. Or if there are sewers out there, it might be making curtains or clothing. 

Whatever your IT is, ask yourself, how can I get more of those activities in my life? How can I adjust my schedule, so I always do some of the activities that fuel me, nurture me? 

Your life will change when you make time in your busy schedule for those activities you love. 

Now I love Paris – I don’t know exactly why, but I do. So, in every issue I share a little of my half-life in Paris, because that’s part of the real and true ME! 

I know you are all Realistas and because you are, you will love this new good friend, Be the Real Your magazine.  

And how will you feel when you embrace the real you? 

  • Confident in the woman you are and what’s important to you. 
  • Connected with a group of like-minded women so you know you are not alone in your real ology. 
  • Excited and energized to see how your life just keeps getting better when you show up as the real you. 

So, join the excitement ladies and sign up if you have not already! 

Be a real-ista by being the Real YOU! 

Thank you for your time today and letting me share the story behind my magazine. 

But really. Subscribe. Join the world of Realistas

You’ll start seeing yourself as you truly are…

The Extraordinary, the Unique, and the Star that is you! Be The Real You. 

A bientôt.


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