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I’m Sharri Harmel, Business and Life coach, and creator of Be the Real You magazine we launched last week, as well as courses related to being the authentic and real you. 

Episode 29: All It Takes Is One Idea

I recently listened to Suli Breaks, who is a British rap-like poet. Now I’m not British and Suli is young enough to be my child, but one of his poems spoke to me. It is titled, All It takes is one idea.

Where do big ideas come from? Suli mentions the biggies in his poem. Steve Jobs and Apple, Nikola Tesla, Google and he reminds us that every single one of these now huge ideas, started out as just a small, a little idea. 

But what is the difference between Steve Jobs’ little idea that changed the world and yours or mine? Suli calls it passion and I’ll add that passion means action.

Several years ago, a dear friend of mine suggested I start a digital magazine. She had created the very successful Belle Inspiration magazine herself over ten years ago. I’ll never forget it. We were sitting in the Café LeRotunde in Paris having our usual coffees which they serve with their homemade madeleines I might add, and the seed was planted but the soil wasn’t yet fertile.

Why? Because I thought the idea was too big for me. No one in the coaching world has created a digital magazine other than to be used as a freebie to gain clients. I’m not a good enough writer. AND then I thought… (this one is significant) who in the world would be interested in the ideas in my head.

Now, I was already writing a little column for my friend’s magazine, and still I discounted the idea! I titled my magazine column “Conversations with an Entrepreneur” because of another little idea I had, which was to create a five-day Entrepreneur Workshop for Women in Paris combining coaching with touring shops and ateliers that related to the businesses the workshop participants were running.

I think you are starting to see a pattern here and what I want you to pay attention to is that …. ideas lead to more ideas, which eventually lead to making the BIG idea happen.

We need all those little ideas that feed off of each other in order to create or make those BIG ideas happen.

So, what were my little ideas?

I posted my Conversations column on my own website the moment the article went live in the Belle Inspiration Magazine. And people were interested!  One day, it dawned on me how much I enjoyed interviewing the women and writing about their entrepreneurial stories. I’m an intensely curious person if you haven’t already figured that out. So, hearing the stories of women who had built something of their own, fascinated me but even more shocking, other women liked my Conversations too!

But still my magazine was just another small idea. More time passed and I created this podcast and found I enjoyed writing the content each week. The universe works in unique ways doesn’t it?

In about my 10th week of the podcast, the idea of creating my own magazine started to percolate again and I began to research the magazine world.

Then, I circled back to my friend, the digital magazine guru, and the casual suggestion made in that Paris café morphed from an idea to a project and ultimately to the digital magazine, Be the Real You!

On April 1st, I launched the very first issue! I hope you all do subscribe. It’s just $29/year and the magazine is filled with ideas that may just get you thinking more about the many ideas you have.

But you might be saying, we all have ideas and dreams, why does one take off and another just sits on the shelf getting dusty?  Suli Breaks mentions this in his poem, and as I said, he said we need passion.

As Suli says, and I’m paraphrasing him here,

The idea becomes a passion slash obsession. The Passion slash obsession becomes a project. And suddenly you have an idea that makes a difference in your life and possibly the lives of those around you.

Wow. That possibility probably makes you want to get up and run around the block, right?

I named my magazine Be the Real You because it became my mission that all women have the confidence to step into their real and true selves. My courses, this podcast and now my magazine are all about supporting women like you to be the real you. When you are brave enough to be who you really are, your choices, decisions and even your ideas become clearer. You’ll also find that your self-confidence grows as you embrace and show up as your true and authentic self. I’ve even had the audacity to call my mission The Women’s Authenticity Movement!

We get stuck and never feel truly happy when we chase the things, the people, and the situations that are all about gaining acceptance from our families, our workplace, and even our cultures. I’ve chased more people trying to convince them to love me as much as I love them than I care to admit, so I’ve been in that place ladies.

I learned that all that external acceptance, security, love and admiration we seek is an illusion because honestly, none of it was really about the real me. It was about trying to fill my bucket of needs.

When you don’t show up as the real you and know and love that woman, life will just be a very long marathon run looking for happiness, fulfillment and dare I say it, passion.

I’m reminded of the Wizard of Oz. When the curtains were pulled back, all that is real is a little man pulling some levers. So, let’s all commit to no more levers, no more curtains. Instead, I want you to commit to joining the women’s authenticity movement and subscribe to Be the Real You magazine.

Those are the conversations we’ll have in the magazine. When you subscribe, you’ll get four magazines a year with the support and inspiration you need to take your ideas to passions, and then your passion to action. I promise you; your life will change when you embrace the real you.

I want to thank all of you for spending your precious time to listen to this podcast. It means so much to me that you too have joined this audacious idea of a women’s authenticity movement where we are showing up in this crazy world as our real and true selves.

If you enjoyed this podcast, do Subscribe to Be The Real You Magazine. Ladies, I want more than anything for your small ideas to become your Big idea.

And remember, All It Takes Is One Idea.

A bientôt,

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