Podcast 190: Finding Your Purpose in Midlife – Interview with Honey Good

In midlife, having a sense of purpose keeps things interesting and moving forward. It’s that extra kick of motivation that helps women in midlife tackle the ups and downs that come with this phase. Whether it’s diving into a new hobby, finding fulfillment in work, or simply nurturing relationships, having a purpose adds a sprinkle of excitement to everyday life. It’s like a secret ingredient that makes everything a bit more flavorful and meaningful.

In this interview Honey Good and I talk more about what it means to have purpose in mid-life. 

Honey Good is a role model for women who aspire to continue blooming in their golden years. A cancer survivor, a widow in her forties, a globetrotter, and a published author, Honey Good embodies the mantra that “age is just an attitude.” 

Challenged to discover her true voice through daily journaling, Honey embarked on a blogging venture in her 60s. Her mantra , “I dive in and think later. Fear of the unknown is never an option,” reflects her fearless attitude towards life.

Through her website, HoneyGood.com, and her three private Facebook group communities: Estranged Mothers and Grandmothers: Millions Strong, Women Over 50; Celebrate Visibility, and Sisters in Widowhood: Life Transition–  Honey Good gives back hope to millions of women.

Extraordinary Women  is THE show and magazine to help extraordinary women like you design, create, and live a fabulous next chapter!


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