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I don’t know about you, but this is about the time I start to question my New Year’s Resolutions- or BIG plans for the year.

  • It’s winter and I’m currently living in Minneapolis, so it’s a long winter with my return to Paris uncertain.
  • Like most of you, I haven’t traveled internationally since Jan. 1, 2020 and I’m starting to feel trapped.
  • I have COVID-19 fatigue. I’m tired of hearing about it, tired of being afraid of it, tired of how relentless it has been. Just give me the poke of the vaccine and I’ll be off to Paris!
  • Mostly, I’m tired of me. I’m an innately curious person and all this time with myself has been good but enough is enough. I want to hear other people’s stories, go to the places I’m traveling to but only in my books, see a different sunset, hear a symphony concert, watch a live play.

I am positive YOU can relate.

So how do we remain excited about the year in front of us and on track with our goals and dreams?  I’ve come up with a few ideas I’m trying out.

  • Explore new skin care products and makeup applications

It has been almost impossible to get a facial the past ten months, so when I stood in the daylight, pulled out a little mirror to look at my skin, I realized that doing nothing isn’t good ~ at least not for my face.

So, I’ve decided to try out some new brands. Arriving very soon are my new products from Paula’s and Tata Harper, two natural leaning brands. I also ordered some new Chanel makeup, and after watching a couple of YouTube videos, I’m going to give a couple of new methods a try. I feel stale and the only way out of that malaise is to take action.

Looking at your face in the mirror is important. Looking at your face in sunlight is frightening if you’re over the age of thirty.  But we DO need to look at ourselves. Everyday! Look into the mirror. Not just to check your hair or a brief glance at the whole picture but take your time. Look deep into your own eyes and ask yourself how you are doing.  Research has shown that self-talk is incredibly powerful, so add in a compliment or two.

  • Try to find different kinds of exercises to do in your home or just move.

I might be the only person in America who didn’t purchase a Peloton bike or a slew of exercise equipment when the virus first put us in lockdown.  I was so sure it would be over by the fall. Remember, I’m an optimist!  Except this optimist has gained weight during this COVID confinement and mostly because I’m not moving as much.

Yes, we all know that movement is good for our health- both our physical and mental health. But I’m not a gym gal. I should be but I’m not. When in Paris, I walk and walk. It’s just part of the lifestyle.

But now, in America, I’m not walking.

So, I’m making a movement adjustment. If you saw me, you’d think I was close to crazy because I’m waving my arms, dancing, marching and slow jogging and that is all being done between my office and my kitchen! Together let’s agree to move more. Plus, don’t we all need those endorphins that improve our mood?

  • Bring something fun into your life.

I have loved playing the piano since I was a youngster. I was never any good, but when I’m playing, I think I am and that’s what is important to me. I’ve always had pianos in my homes, but since my divorce, I gave it up, thinking it was too hard to move and I didn’t have the space. Well, two weeks ago, I went on Amazon and bought a Keyboard. Just looking at it makes me happy.

What’s something you haven’t done in a while? Or is there something you’ve always wanted to try? Now is not the time to say…someday. Your time is now. My keyboard cost $200.  My family would have said you should only spend money on something you are good at, but that no longer matters. The question should be, how do you feel when you do it?  Order the painting kit, the knitting kit, the video game your kids or grandkids are playing, the dart board, the cornhole game…. bring some fun and games into your daily life especially if it is too chilly to go outside.

  • When feeling stuck, change what you are doing and let go.

Writing this weekly podcast is sometimes super easy- the ideas just flow. Other times it’s hard. I’ll stop and start many times. The only thing that seems to work when I am stuck, is to leave it and go do something different. I’ll go play that piano, do an exercise, put on some great music and dance around the house, call a friend. You’ll find that like me, when you switch up what you are focusing on, that glob of glue that is holding back your creativity is suddenly dissolved.

So, the next time you can’t seem to make a decision or complete something that you are struggling with, let go. Ask the universe to send you the answer and then go do something different.

If you’re an over-achiever, letting go without a completion is going to feel really hard, but try it. Have faith.

  • Say no to drama.

This is my new year perspective resolution.

Who would think we’d have so much drama when we’re all isolated in our homes?  Somehow COVID heightened some people’s drama tendency.

What happened to me? Shortly after confinement began, I felt completely uninterested in any drama anywhere in my life.  Whether it’s friends who talk about what they are going to do over and over, with all kinds of excuses. Or family members who talk about the political situation ad nauseum. Or social media rants. I’m done with it all. If you haven’t gotten to that point, try it. It’s actually incredibly freeing.

  • Be vigilant of your time and the people you let into your life.

I have found that COVID has made most of us evaluate who and how we spend our time. Suddenly, we’re asking ourselves…Do those people and activities nourish me? Remember, you’re not being selfish if you say NO.

Even people we like or even love can sometimes be toxic. You’ll know if you check in with your body after spending time with them, whether on the phone, zoom or in person. Your body will tell you whether to reduce or eliminate your time spent with those people.

There is a saying attributed to Jim Rohn. “You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.” Now that certainly gets us thinking!

  • Organize A Restaurant Night

This idea was one of the best I’ve heard in a while.  I got the idea from a YouTube show I absolutely love called “The Chateau Diaries.” It’s a show about a chateau in France that the owner is renovating, but there is always a group of people who live in the chateau with her. The group that currently lives in the French chateau, organized “a restaurant night” where they split up into two teams. Each team would create one restaurant night for the other team, and they would vote to award one group the winner. These were not cafes or casual restaurants. Each team made a 3-4 course dinner, included menus and 5-star service.  The best part was that everyone dressed up, the table was beautifully set with china and crystal, and the candles were lit as though they were at a Michelin starred restaurant. I was inspired!

Even though I currently live alone, I’m going to create restaurant night without the competition. There is nothing like pretending when you feel a little down.

  • Remember Gratitude.

To keep yourself on track for making this year your best year so far, let’s all embrace or renew our gratitude practices.

When we spend time alone or with just our family, it’s easy to start to get nervous about what everyone else is doing and decide you are behind in some way. I’m the queen of comparisons, which always messes with my mindset and something I have to work on. 

Regularly connecting with gratitude does help.  Before I go to sleep each night, I either write down my day’s gratitude or I make it a part of my daily prayer. Every day, I have a list of goodness and gratitude I have in my life.

I want this to be the year you finally make those goals and dreams happen.

I created a mini course as a boost for your self-confidence, your hope, and your commitment to your goals and dreams for 2021 and beyond.

Recapture your Joie de Vivre or Joy of Living is taking place LIVE on three Tuesdays in February and March, beginning right after Valentine’s Day.

When was the last time you gave yourself a Valentine’s Day gift?

Each week, we’ll discuss a different topic, you’ll have exercises you can do from your home and you get live coaching, ALL geared towards YOU recapturing your Joy in Living.

If you can’t be on live, no worries, because I’ll be recording the calls so you can listen when it works for your schedule.

Now I would have typically priced this 3-week workshop somewhere around $1500.

BUT it hasn’t been easy during the past 10 months of COVID,

So, I have decided to give you the incredibly special discount price of $29.99! Call me crazy!  It’s my gift to YOU!

Now, I’ll never, ever offer this mini course at this price again, so don’t wait. Go and sign up right now. Make this Valentine’s Day the first day of the rest of year, with you stepping in those big, extraordinary, and audacious goals you have for 2021.

I’ve been a coach for over a decade now, having coached clients from corporate executives to university students – so this isn’t a new gig for me.

I know the issues and I know what works. In those three weeks, I’ll share several of my tried-and-true exercises that will help you to recapture YOUR joy of living and get moving on making this year YOUR best year ever!

Re-energize, Re-Focus and Recapture Your Joy in Life. All it takes is 3 weeks.

Imagine the possibilities!

It is my mission in life to help women to step into their real and true selves.

I can’t wait to see you on February 16th!

Come and join the party.

As always, thank you for listening and if you liked this podcast please subscribe and write me a review. Reviews do matter!

Bye for now….

A bientôt!

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