Listen to the Episode:

What if... Just Two Little Words


Actually, I’m one of those people whose brain automatically goes to these two words.

Yes, I might be a little odd.

And yet- if I’m completely honest- I’m the happiest when I’m thinking about possibilities, and ideas and opportunities.

It is then that I’m in FLOW as the psychologists call it.

Being a “What If Specialist” has been very beneficial when working with my coaching clients. I often hear the comment, “Wow Sharri, I never thought of that”!

But not everyone is comfortable in the land of What If.

When I worked in higher education, I could feel the tension in the room rise whenever I said, “What IF”.

Maybe a few of you got a little uncomfortable when you read the title of this podcast!

Yet, to find a way to create a better life for ourselves, it is easier and actually even fun, 

if you can embrace those two words What If.

As an example, this morning I was listening to someone who asked,

“What is working for you in these uncertain times?”

My first thought was “Damn, I hate this!”

Then I got quiet and asked myself “What IF” I have actually received gifts from covid?”   

Suddenly, my entire outlook changed.

Here are a few of my Covid gifts…. maybe you can relate.

First- I have had so few distractions that I got focused on my business and decided to grow it beyond one-to-one coaching and found the courage to create this podcast!

Second- it has been really interesting to see how people react to adversity. Oliver Burkeman of the Guardian said, “the capacity to tolerate minor discomfort is a superpower.”

He’s right!

I’ve learned more about the people around me (to say nothing of myself) during this time of uncertainty, than I would ever would have learned if covid had never happened.


Because of all the external pressures and affirmations that I seek and take in when I’m around people in person, which doesn’t happen on zoom I might add,

I have been able to clearly see and feel – what is really important to me and what is not.

That is a gift that has helped me to clearly pinpoint what it is that I want in my life and

stop chasing anything my heart says isn’t truly important to me.

So, just by asking “what if?” my outlook and perspective during these uncertain times has shifted. 

Try it- and please do share on the Sharri Harmel. Life Reimagined FB group. It’s always so fabulous to read your shares.


So back to those two little words “What If” as they relate to your life.

This podcast is called Life Reimagined and that requires we all jump into our own “What if’s”

I’m going to use the garden analogy….

Close your eyes and imagine a beautiful garden that you want to create.

You can see it right?

You see the colors you love….and specific flowers that are your favorites.

You know you want color all summer, so you choose different blooming schedules.

You have little venues or spots created where you can sit and watch the kids play or be quiet and write in your journal.

You see either straight lines or curves- depending upon which is you.

You see the end result- you are in the garden that you desire.

What is so very important ladies…. Is that You didn’t start envisioning your garden at the seed level…. You saw the garden you would have – after you put in the time and energy to create it.

So, how does that relate to your life reimagined?

Well, Step into THAT garden, THAT vision you have for your life.

So, my question to you is

What would your life look like if you embraced “What IF” and

you believed anything and everything was possible?

Where would you live?

What does your house feel like, look like?

What colors do you love and want to have in your environment?

How much social media would you consume?

How organized are your rooms? 

(Our environment is super important. What if your home nourished you each and every day!)

How do you want to feel when you walk into a gathering?

How do you want to dress even when you go to the grocery store? What is your style? Are you formal or casual or are you a mix?

What if you felt confident and pretty just as you are today? Those two little words again.

Please stop putting off dressing and walking with confidence for that someday when….


How do you want to eat?

Where do you want to eat? What does your table look like when you eat?

(Hardly anyone dreams of eating a sandwich in the car or dinner standing at the kitchen counter. Are any of you saving the good china for when you have guests over?

What if YOU were the most important guest you could have at your table?)


What hobbies do you want to add into your life?

What job or promotion are you waiting for someone to ask you to take on?

What IF …. you didn’t need anyone’s permission because you know yourself better than anyone else.

So, ladies, you see that the secret to planning out our what’s next….

Is actually two little words…. “What If”

Those two little words will change your life.

I can’t wait to hear more from you inside our FB group.

À bientôt

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